These branches are nicely silhouetted against the late autumn sun. Nice consideration of light.
Here we see aperture used to bring the flowers into focus, letting the background "fall off" or fall out of focus.
Bokeh is the term used to describe those soft blobs in the background. Great detail in this mushroom.
This week (tomorrow) we are going to be adding SHUTTER SPEED to our quiver of tools. You've mastered aperture, both small and large. Now its time to move onto speed.
Parents, don't forget. We're planning to have an "opening" after the Winter Concert, just before Christmas Break. We'll be printing and presenting about 4 to 6 images per student. Each entry will be carefully chosen after a lengthy :-) critique. The artist will be able to discuss each piece, why it was taken, which tools were used to make it, etc... VERY exciting stuff!!!